• Financial Calendar

    A comprehensive calendar that keeps your current and potential stakeholders in the loop.

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Optimising versatility and usability, we offer you the simplest, clearest way to promote your IR events and keep your stakeholders updated.

  • Flexible

    Our financial calendar works for you in making the job of keeping your investors informed easy. With a robust and intutive back end, you can add and edit events, keep track of subscribers and upload media according to your specific needs.

  • Compatible

    Your stakeholders can download dates for investor meetings, roadshows and web casts to their own calendar, while filtering events by what interests them the most. We're compatible with all the commonly used desktop calendars.  

  • Informative

    Presentation material, handouts and videos can be uploaded to your calendar events to share with your investors. This enables the calendar to also function as an archive for past events. Thus your stakeholders can keep up to date on their time. 

  • Subscribe

    Alerts for events are customisable, giving your stakeholders the choice to get notified of all your important dates and events or even just the results reporting.   

  • Engaging Investors

    Keeping in contact with your investors is the first step towards engaging them more deeply with your company and build better relationships. That's why having a smart, practical IR calendar will be one of your key assets on your website. Our Financial calendar showcases all your upcoming and past events, conveniently divided into relevant topics via filtering. Presentation material is easily uploaded and immediately available, inviting investors to learn more.

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  • The subscribe feature ensures interested users are automatically kept up to date and reminded when you're releasing your quartery results, streaming a presentation or having your annual meeting. The feature also gives you future information about interested users, enabling you to find out more about who and where your potential stakeholders are. 

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